What is Chat GPT ? Advantages and Disadvantages of Chat GPT in 2023

What is Chat GPT?

Generative Pretrained Transformer, often known as Chat GPT, is a type of Ai system. Using Chat GTP, a variety of tasks can be completed quickly.

This artificial intelligence (AI) application not only offers real-time search similar to Google but also clearly and concisely responds to your inquiries.

Although Chat GPT is only a chatbot, it has much more potential than that of a conversation bot or even a search engine. You can infer this from the fact that Chat GPT can do tasks that would take hours to complete using Google search in a matter of minutes or even seconds.

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Advantages of Chat GPT:

·         Chat GPT is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text.

·         It can be fine-tuned to perform a wide range of natural language processing tasks.

·         It can be used to generate responses in a conversation, making it useful for chatbots and virtual assistants.

·         It can be used to translate between languages.

·          It can write text in multiple languages.

Disadvantages of Chat GPT:

·         Chat GPT requires a significant amount of computational resources to run.

·         It can be biased towards the data it was trained on, which can affect its performance on certain tasks.

·         It can generate text that is similar to human writing, but it may not be as polished or sophisticated as text written by a human.

·         It doesn't have the capability of providing a vast amount of information from the internet, like Google does.
